Emergency AC Repair In Hamilton, ON, and Surrounding Areas

Your AC has suddenly stopped working and now you need it to get fixed immediately. For those who live in the Hamilton area of Ontario, we can provide you with quick & quality Air Conditioner Repair Hamilton. Which parts are most likely to be broken? We have a few ideas on which components could be causing your AC to malfunction:
If your Thermostat isn't working right, your AC will be getting errors and won't work properly and can cause your home to suddenly become too hot. We can check your AC to see if it has been broken or if it is out of alignment. If you want, we can also install a programmable thermostat which can save you 10% of your energy bill which can help ensure your AC works longer.
The Compressor
Check to see if your AC is leaking. If you have refrigerant leaks, your AC won't work right. You can also run out of refrigerant. In either case, this is something which will need to be completely replaced.
The Condenser
The condenser is typically located near the compressor. They are a series of coils which can get bent or dirty. One could lead to a hotter AC while the other can cause weird odors.
The Evaporator
Whether you have a split system like central air conditioning or a ductless mini-split, the evaporator is a part of the AC which helps push the air into your home, along with the fans. If you have a damp environment, you can expect mold to be growing on it which will also cause bad odors and could be damaging to your lungs in the long run as well. Depending on the type of damage, it can either simply be cleaned or given a minor repair.
If you are looking for a heating and cooling Hamilton and furnace service Hamilton then you can contact B & G Heating Air Conditioning & Ventilation. We offer our services by keeping in mind our customer’s requirements.
These are just a few possible culprits which could be causing your AC to malfunction, so contact us today for service!